Pl. du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre avec vue sur la Tour Eiffel
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June 22 and 23

ALAI 2023 Paris

Copyright, related rights and artificial intelligence


About us

What is ALAI 2023? True to the vocation of ALAI, this scientific event on artificial intelligence is intended to observe the major changes in the world and to try to anticipate the profound movements that will affect the holders of literary and artistic property rights. It is therefore part of the defense of copyright – and of the interests of those who ensure the creation or the regular exploitation of intellectual works – at a time when the classical concepts on which the discipline is based seem to be undermined by the technological boom. The number of creations generated by artificial intelligence is constantly growing, in all fields: music, journalism, games, illustration… The status of these creations raises questions for specialists: are they protected? Who should be designated as the rights holder? Should the exercise of these rights be specifically regulated? These questions – and others – will be addressed during the June 2023 conference.

Pl. du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre avec vue sur la Tour Eiffel

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