Main theme

Literary and artistic property through the prism of artificial intelligence

  • 02DAYS

Day 1

June 22, 2023
Understanding :

Artificial intelligence and literary and artistic property: the contours of the relationship




Opening speech

Ms Rima Abdul-Malak, Minister of Culture
Sylvie Forbin, WIPO Vice Director General
Frank Gotzen, President of ALAI

Keynote: What does AI mean for a lawyer?

Speaker Yannick Meneceur, Magistrate, Council of Europe
10:50-11:10 Break

AI uses in the cultural sector: round table with demonstrations by artists (music, graphic arts, writing/translation, cinema)


Keynote: The legal challenges of AI in the cultural sector.

12:45-14:15 Lunch break
1. Understanding the upstream

Artificial intelligence and literary and artistic property: the contours of the relationship

Chairman Silke Von Lewinski, Professor at the Max Planck Institute

The protection of AI tools by intellectual property


The use by generative AI of protected content

General introductory presentation: the need to clear pre-existing rights?

Speaker Jane Ginsburg, Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, New York

Round table on freedom of use (exceptions, licenses, etc.)



16:10-16:40 Coffee break
2. Use of AI as a rights management and administration tool

Artificial intelligence and literary and artistic property: the contours of the relationship


AI and content recognition/moderation/prevention of counterfeiting

Speaker David El Sayegh, Deputy Managing Director, Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SACEM)

AI and recommendations

17:45 Closing of the first day

Day 2

June 23, 2023
Access to protection

Artificial intelligence and literary and artistic property: The contours of protection

The status of AI productions.



Qualification as a work ? 

International report Sari Depreeuw, Professor of Law UCLouvain, Université Saint-Louis Brussels
Speaker Stefania Ercolani, International Relations Advisor, Italian CMO SIAE
10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Characterization of the output as a Performance?


Characterization of the output as part of the “commons” (i.e., absence of private rights in the output)

  • Criteria and regime of protection
  • Consequences of the absence of protection: the risk of circumvention, what about the case of an author in the repertoire (for certain creations only?)…
    Christian Zimmermann, Chief Executive of the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS)


12:30-14:00 Lunch break
Legal regime

Artificial intelligence and literary and artistic property: The contours of protection

The status of AI productions.


Chairman Mihaly Ficsor, Member of the Hungarian Copyright Council, former WIPO Assistant Director General

The choice of legal regime (nature, ownership, rights, limitations)

  • Copyright protection: classic or modified, specific
    Sophie Goossens, Partner, Reed Smith; Bernt Hugenholtz, Professor Emeritus, University of Amsterdam
  • Protection by a neighboring right or a sui generis right
    Matthias Leistner, Professor of Law, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich; Kyungsuk Kim Professor of Copyright, Sangmyung University, Seoul

AI and violation of rights: the choice of remedy

  • Infringement and other kinds of recourse (parasitism and unfair competition)
    Franz Ruz, Lawyer and International EU-LatAm Consultant; Jukka Liedes President of the Finnish Copyright Society
  • Personality rights
    Lauri Rechardt, Chief Legal Officer - IFPI
16:00-16:20 Coffee break



Synthesis and perspectives

André Lucas, Professor Emeritus, University of Nantes

ALAI General Assembly

18:00 Closing of the Congress

Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel

The Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel is located on the banks of the Seine, at 61 quai de Grenelle in Paris, close to the Eiffel Tower, in the modern and lively district of Paris Beaugrenelle (Paris 15th district). It will host the ALAI congress in its conference room for over 450 people. The hotel has 764 spacious rooms, with a seventies design (former Hotel Niko), spread over 31 floors (two restaurants, fitness room, swimming pool with a view over the whole of Paris).

By registering via Alai, you benefit from advantageous prices for the duration of your stay.

The Novotel is 25 minutes from Orly airport and 45 minutes from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport and is also close to several metro lines: line 6 (Bir Hakeim or Dupleix stations); line 10 (Charles Michels station); RER C (Javel or Maison de la Radio-Kennedy station).

More information
Vue d'un drone sur la ville de Paris depuis le Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Piscine de Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Restaurant à Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel avec vue sur la ville de Paris
Restaurant à Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Diner avec le chef cuisiner à Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Salle de conférence à Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Chambre de Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel vue de l'extérieur la nuit
Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel

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